The Nebraska Board of Regents is proud to present a KUDOS Award to Sara Haake, Dispatch Director for UNL-PD.
Since joining UNL-PD in December 2021, Sara's role managing dispatch services and police records, along with the property and evidence functions within the department have kept her busy. In addition, Sara took it upon herself to institute a therapy dog program.
After exploring existing programs at other higher education police departments, she proposed a similar program for UNL, collaborated with the University of Nebraska Foundation to garner funding, and worked with the Domesti-PUPS community organization in partnership with the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services to obtain a newly trained therapy dog named “Cash.”
With Sara as his handler, Cash has been used to elevate positive moods and provide motivation during police department activities, student activities, and other events on campus, including appearances during finals week, the Undergraduate Commencement ceremony, and Homecoming Parade.
Sara’s dedication, professionalism, and service exemplify performance above and beyond the call of duty, introducing an additional resource for supporting overall well-being on campus and aligning with “every person and every interaction matters.”