On behalf of the Board of Regents, I am pleased to present a KUDOS Award to Amber Hawk, Director of Recruitment and Admissions in the UNMC College of Pharmacy.
Amber is a steadfast and critical member of the College of Pharmacy. The scope of her service to both the PharmD and Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Programs require her to continually assess operational workflow to become more efficient. This has resulted in innovative and streamlined approaches that expedite admissions decisions.
She was instrumental in creating a distribution system for new scholarship monies, the development of a new pathway program with Hastings College and has improved the number of students matriculating to both programs.
One nominator said, “Amber has become a ‘go to’ person for students and faculty at our partnering institutions and within the Big 10.” Another said, “She connects and empathizes with nervous students and puts them at ease…She is, the best first impression for prospective students. Her nature is a big reason our students choose us.”
After students enroll, Amber learns each person’s name and connects with them. Former and prior enrollees commonly stop by and visit with her. “Amber is a big part of these students’ lives throughout their UNMC journey,” one nominator said.
Today, Amber is joined by her husband, Phillip Hawk and Drew Prescott, her supervisor.
Join me in thanking Amber for her innovative spirit, personal connections with students and tireless commitment to the College of Pharmacy’s recruitment and admissions processes, all of which are critical to building Nebraska’s workforce.