On behalf of the Board of Regents, I am pleased to present a KUDOS Award to Jackie Pavlik, Research Operations Administrator in UNMC’s Department of Surgery.
Jackie consistently strives to expand, support and lead the research infrastructure within the department. She finds ways to streamline processes, ensure efficiency and increase productivity, including the creation of an online process so her team can keep her updated on projects.
Jackie reviews grant applications and reports, approves contracts and purchases and she created the infrastructure to support clinical trials in the department by recruiting FTEs to support faculty who fall outside the cardiovascular and oncology clinical trial offices.
Her nominators recognize that Jackie has created and championed a work environment that allows members to collaborate and support surgery investigators. Her expertise in research administration has led the department to more successful growth in research.
One nominator said: “We continue to expand the number of funded clinical trials, thanks to Jackie and all of her hard work.”
Said another: “Her professionalism and expertise in research administration have inspired and motivated all of us on the team to strive for excellence.”
“We all say, ‘Let’s ask Jackie!’ at least once a week,” one nominator said, adding that the department chair also has called her work “impressive.”
Today, Jackie is joined by her supervisor, Tracy Rheault. Join me in thanking Jackie for her accountability, expertise and can-do attitude, and the remarkable impact she has had on the research infrastructure within UNMC’s Department of Surgery.